> The death of the player to Livorno Pier Mario Morucena player from the second division Serie A during the match

السبت، 14 أبريل 2012

The death of the player to Livorno Pier Mario Morucena player from the second division Serie A during the match

Death, the player, match, Serie A, Day, 14/04/2012
YouTube and death of the player to Livorno Pier Mario Morucena player from the second division Serie A during the match
Watch a video player for the death of Pierre Mario Morucena Livorno player from the second 
division Serie A during the match

 Mario Morucena player club Livorno collapsed in his match against Pescara in the second division on Saturday, where the Italian government stopped the play and the result was to indicate progress Livorno 2-0.

Morucena entered the intensive care where the doctor Balwskia head of cardiology at the hospital revitalization of the heart of Pescara player using a regulation of the heart muscle (Pacemaker).

Player's heart stopped beating several times, where doctors tried to do the impossible to save his life

And then announced his death,

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